Why Your Notice Period is Crucial for Your Career Growth

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People changing jobs is common. It’s happening more because companies and employees are changing how they think and act.
When you resign, you have a notice period before you leave. In some countries, like India, this can be as long as three months.

So, what do people usually do during this time? From my observations, there’s often a noticeable shift in behavior. Many employees enter what I like to call “retirement mode.” Their commitment to work reduces, and their motivation drops.

During this time, employees might think, “Why bother working hard if I’m leaving soon?” They might think that others won’t notice or reward their efforts. This leads them to do the least work or even slack off completely.

Why does this happen? Here are a few common excuses:

  1. “It won’t lead to a salary hike.” Many employees believe working hard during the notice period won’t give them a salary hike.
  2. “Nobody will remember my efforts.” People believe that once you leave, others will forget your contributions.
  3. “Someone else will take the credit for my work.” Employees fear that others will take credit for their hard work after they’ve left.

Given these thoughts, many people think, “Why bother? I’ll relax and let the next person handle it.”
It sounds reasonable, right? But let’s take a look at why this mindset might not be the best approach.

Let us talk about the reasons to work hard during the notice period.

  1. Freedom from Appraisal System

One of the biggest demotivators in the workplace is the appraisal system itself. Managers handling annual reviews can make excited employees feel less motivated. If you liked the work, now is the best time to do it the way you always wanted. No need to fear what others think and the consequences.
This period allows you to work without the usual stress of evaluations. You can focus on what you like about your job, rather than worrying about performance reviews.

  1. Less Pressure, More Freedom

During your notice period, there are no more expectations left, and this can be liberating. You don’t have to worry about being judged or not getting enough credit. This is the best time to work because there are no more expectations. It might sound a bit deep, but if you think about it, you’ll understand.
When there’s no pressure to impress anyone, you might find that you enjoy your work more. This period can help you remember why you chose your career in the first place.

  1. Remembering the Basics

In busy job markets like in India and China, getting a raise can motivate or demotivate people. If you do a good job, you’re expected to get a good raise. Many people have forgotten that they work for the salary. They are wired to think that they work for the next pay hike, not the next paycheck. During your notice period, you can return to the basics and remember that you earn your salary for the work you do.

It’s easy to get caught up in the cycle of working for the next hike. But during your notice period, you can remind yourself that your salary is payment for your work. This can be a change of perspective.

  1. Enhancing Your Experience

The quality of your work experience is more important than the number of years you’ve worked. Some people may have worked for many years but learned less. This shows up in interviews. The work you have in your current job might not be the same in your next job. Doing good work makes your resume better with more achievements. So why not do your best?

Think about how the projects you complete now will look on your resume. Every accomplishment adds to your resume and can help you in future job interviews.

  1. Maintaining Good Habits

Getting used to accomplishing things is a great habit. Future employers or customers can often tell if you’re someone who achieves goals. Don’t spoil a good habit by slacking off during your notice period.

Working hard makes you better at your job. If you keep working hard while you’re in the notice period, you’ll be ready and excited for your new job.

  1. Learning New Skills

If there isn’t any challenging work to do, try learning new skills or improving the current skills. This might help you in the long term.

This is smarter than wasting time and will keep you productive and engaged. This can make you better in your next job and show that you’re good at improving your skills.

  1. Leaving a Lasting Impression

Your notice period is your last chance to make a lasting impression. This isn’t about impressing your current supervisors but everyone around you. With social and professional networking, it is important to make a good impression. So why not leave the best impression possible?

Your colleagues, supervisors, and team members will remember how you worked during this time. A strong finish can lead to positive references and a lasting professional reputation.

So, next time you’re in a notice period, remember these points. It’s not about the company you’re leaving, it’s about your career and your personal growth. Work hard, leave on a high note, and set yourself up for success in your next role.

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